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The Right To A Voice

Inclusion and Independence begins with

‘The Right to A Voice’

Can you imagine what it must be like to have thoughts, opinion and feelings just like everyone else, yet be unable to express them in words? People who are non-speakers need an effective way to communicate so that they can be fully included in their communities.


There is now ample research to support the fact that individuals who have Angelman syndrome need a multi-modal communication system that incorporates AAC (Augmentative and Alternative Communication)

‘Just as the blind have braille and the deaf have sign language, access to AAC with the correct supports will provide a ‘first language’ for non-speaking people.’ 

Basic Human Rights

No child can be excluded from the right to express their opinion. Meaningful participation must be based on the principles of equality, inclusion and accessibility; allowing children of all backgrounds to express their views, if they desire.


Educational practice must now become inclusive beyond the classroom, ensuring the right to freedom of expression for all children, including those with learning or physical disabilities.

Children’s rights are human rights and human rights are universal.  It is the right of all children (and adults) who cannot speak in words, to have access to AAC as soon as possible.


No one has the right to deny anyone else their own voice and means of communicating; no one has the right to deny any child access to a full communication system based on any prerequisites, testing or demonstration of ability.


Full access to / the provision of a multi-modal system of communication is their fundamental Human Right.

Angelman Syndrome and Communication

Language challenges are significant for those who have Angelman Syndrome (AS).  

This may be due to:   

  • Motor problems (low tone in oral area)

  • Oral structures (protruding tongue)

  • Intellectual disability

  • Oral apraxia (difficulty with motor planning)

As a result, people with AS have complex communication needs and most communicate by using sounds, gestures, and eye direction.


People who have AS need a multi-modal communication system - 

AAC (Augmentative and Alternative Communication). 


AAC systems are diverse:

  • Unaided communication uses no equipment and includes signing and body language, while aided approaches use external tools. 

  • Aided communication methods can range from paper and pencil to communication books or boards to speech generating devices (SGDs) or devices producing written output.


But while communication devices are wonderful, we mustn't ignore the important role that gestures, vocalizations and manual signs can play.

Note that augmenting communication involves both speech and writing - and also technology related to teaching and learning. 


Ideally a child should receive AAC input from a Speech Language therapist as early as possible after a diagnoses of Angelman syndrome. There should be no prerequisites for someone with Angelman syndrome to be eligible for AAC and a communication device.

As parents learn and model language using AAC resources, so this will become the child’s ‘first language’.


This 'language system' needs to be used seamlessly when the child begins school. Children with AS can do well in regular classrooms when provided with the supports needed to be successful. As their receptive language, memory and comprehension is much greater than their output, so high expectations for learning must be maintained. Always presume competence. 

Providing a means to communicate is essential for the wellbeing of all people. Negative behaviours such as pulling hair, hitting, and biting can develop and this behaviour is often caused by frustration with communication. It can be read as an indication of some deeper underlying issue such as pain, anger or anxiety. 


For more on AAC for Angelman Syndrome, see Communication

The International Communication Project


The International Communication Project (ICP) was launched in 2014. The opportunity to communicate is a basic human right. Communication is the most fundamental of human capacities. People need to be able to communicate to fulfill their social, educational, emotional and vocational potential. Everybody has the potential to communicate. Independence and Inclusion begins with Communication. 


Read more on How New Zealand Is Upholding the Convention for the Rights of People with Disabilities


The Communication Revolution

Speech Language Pathologist, Jennifer Marden, has written an informative blog on the 'Angelman Revolution', outlining how the advances in AAC triggered a global shift regarding communication methods in the Angelman community, as well as among Speech-language therapists. Read her article here


The Angelman Literacy Project was initiated by parent and advocate, Erin Sheldon in June 2015. As a result of her extensive research on this topic, Erin created an excellent resource for parents and educators which covers the complexities of AS communication and learning. It offers a range of advice and strategies to improve the teaching of communication and literacy.  You can download the resource, here.


The New Zealand Speech-language Therapists' Association ran an article in their Communication Matters journal, highlighting the progress of AAC in the Angelman global community. "In this issue, our featured organisation is The Angelman Network. Ursula Cranmer talks about the Angelman Literacy Project, barriers faced in New Zealand by people with Angelman Syndrome and those who support them, and how research and resources can help remove these barriers."  Read the full story here.

The Angelman Academy - presuming potential

The Angelman Academy (2018) aims to revolutionize the educational experience of individuals with Angelman Syndrome and help each individual reach their full potential. Read more here.  

"Allow any type of communication

And this can certainly be true for AAC users. They may happily use many different modes of communication as well. It may be a combination of vocalisations, words, word attempts, pointing to pictures or photos or objects, sign language, natural gestures, body language, facial expression, as well as their AAC system. Often they will use the fastest and most efficient means of communication available to them in the moment! All of the methods of communication have their place. All of these methods of communication should be valued, respected and responded to." - Amanda Hartmann


Social media platforms are used to:

  • Connect families around the world

  • Raise global awareness for Angelman syndrome/all rare conditions

  • Share new research information

  • Encourage open discussion forums for new therapeutics

  • Gather general & specific data and information

  • Advocate for treatments

  • Fundraise effectively

  • Help find participants for trials

          and much more….

See Social Media

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The Angelman Network is a

Registered Charitable Trust based in New Zealand


Disclaimer: Links to other Internet sites are for the convenience of all web-users. The Angelman Network is not responsible for the availability or content of these external sites and we do not endorse, warrant or guarantee any products, services or information that may be offered at these sites. Always contact your own medical practitioner for any medical advice.

©2025 The Angelman Network

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